My mom insists that I'm a terrible singer😂, says I sing like a goat whose throat was stuffed with cocoyam. She says this in the Yoruba language, you can imagine how gory that seems😂.
Some of my friends think this also but I don't care. I'll continue singing till I bug their ears out( cue my smirk).
I believe that I can sing😂 but one thing that I'm extremely good at is finding good songs. Songs are like drugs we didn't know we needed, the extra toppings on your ice cream cone that makes you salivate in wonderment.
There are songs for these moments when it's too late in the night and your head is buzzing with too many thoughts in your head, the lullaby to put you to sleep. Most of my favourite songs are from movies, they portray all shades of emotions( I'm not talking about Yoruba movies tho😂). Good music is life. I'll let you into my music world with ease and I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I love them.
IT'S OK by NIGHTBIRDIE, it tells you that you'll find your way no matter how lost you get in life, some times feels like you're walking barefoot on hot charcoal but this song lets you know you'll reach your place of rest albeit with bruised feet. This song is a gentle reminder that broken crayons still colour.
I GET TO LOVE YOU by RUELLE, do you have that person who gives you rainbows after the rain. They are the anchor to your boat, your destination, the calm after the storm comes your way knowing you'll either through cos they're by your side. This song is for all in love and who hopes to be loved.
MY ZONE by CEEPRINX, this song does something to you, wherever you are, in a crowded space, noisy classroom, confines of your room, you hear these lines, a sudden aura of sadness, optimism hits you. The cry of emotions, intense of longing love, wanting to be left alone and still craving attention. The sadness we all keep to ourselves. The song takes you back to the hug that you longed for so bad but only lasted seconds, to that conversation on WhatsApp that could've gone beyond the default "I'm fine" response to " How are you"?.
HAPPIEST YEAR by JAMES YOUNG, when you're madly in love with someone, you forget reality, you forget what's right for you and daydream about them for most of the day. The song reminds you that sometimes love is worth the fight. It's filled with longing and reminds us that everyone needs a person they can call their own, a person who they can love with all they've got.
SPACES by JAMES YOUNG, this song feels like that old lover who left, the one you didn't get. It reminds you that you were once constant and now that you aren't, all you feel is void. A song for heartbroken people💔.
PROMISES by MAVERICK CITY MUSIC, it's a song that assures that there's a greater love from God. It gives that deeper connection of belonging to the tribe of God, an assurance that God has got you now and forever no matter what life throws at you. It's a song of God's love ❤️.
I'm going to stop here today and subsequently at the beginning or end of every other newsletter I send, I'll include a song for the week. I love you all for keeping up with me and I do not take this for granted.
Don't forget to like, share, comment.
All my Love,
Thank you! Heading to my music app! 💃
Playlist updated,thank you for this!!!